Why is Parker Solar Probe not melting even after entering the corona layers of the Sun 2023 ?

For the first time in history, a spacecraft has dared to go inside the Sun’s atmosphere. This feat of Parker Solar Probe will always be remembered in history. Because neither any metal nor any hard stone can tolerate so much heat. Then the question arises, why doesn’t Parker Solar Probe melt in such heat?

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Not 1000 but how it is working perfectly even in the temperature of 100 thousands degree.

Hello friends, I am Uzaif Kevin the author of your own website uzfkvn.com I hope you all are absolutely fine. I’m fine too. So without wasting time, in this Article I will tell you “ Why is Parker Solar Probe not melting even after entering the corona layers of the Sun? ”

Soo Lets Begin,

In the early 1900s, scientists noticed a strange phenomenon during a research. He was estimating the heat of the sun from the wavelength of the light coming out of the sun and its color.

This work was being done with the help of spectograph while sitting on the ground, telling you that the color of light and its wavelength are directly related to its temperature. The result which came in front of the scientists created such a mystery, which could not be understood till date.

What did they see that the temperature of the Sun’s surface i.e. its surface is 5500 °C, whereas the temperature of its outermost atmospheric layer Corona is more than 500,000 °C. That is, 100× times more than the surface of the Sun. It is like we feel more hot when we go away from the fire, it is a very unique phenomenon. To understand which scientists have been trying continuously for the last 100 years.

Normally this layer is hidden in sunlight and it is possible to see it in Solar Eclipse with the help of Chronograph Sun Shade.

After the establishment of NASA in 1958, many space missions were started. One by one satellites and spacecrafts stepped into space for the first time. But in order to understand this unique phenomenon of the sun, it was necessary to make such a probe which would go to the corona layer of the sun and take information and see what is going on there.

That probe could study the rays emanating from the sun even in the heat of 500,000 °C. But this work was not so easy. Because it is so hot, it is difficult to even estimate it.

The melting point of Iron is 1,500 °C, while the hardest metal in the world is Tungsten, and its melting point is 3,422 °C. That is, the surface of the sun itself will melt both these metals in the blink of an eye. So think what would be the condition of these metals in the corona layer where the heat is 100 thousands °C.

How did the Parker Solar Probe go into the orbit of the Sun?

Designing and development of Parker Solar Probe was one issue and getting it to reach the sun was an even bigger issue. The sun which has bound the planets of our solar systems together. It is very difficult to get close to it.

First of all, understand that if a satellite has to be removed from the earth’s orbit and brought back to the earth, the speed has to be reduced so that the gravity of the earth can dominate it and attract it towards itself.

Similarly, if it is to be sent not on the earth but on some other planets, then its speed is increased so that it can get out of the orbit of the earth.

Suppose if a spacecraft is to be sent to Mars, then it is first brought into the orbit of the earth with the help of rockets and then it is removed from the orbit of the earth at the right time, right angle or right speed.

It is a very energy consuming task to remove the spacecraft from the orbit of the earth, with the help of rocket it reached the orbit of the earth but now there are no rockets here. By using the small rocket fitted in the spacecraft, it is gradually increased in speed and taken out of the orbit.

Because Mars is closer to the Sun than the Earth, that is why the angle from which the spacecraft is launched is not that much. But the distance between Sun and Earth is 150,000,000 Km and to remove it from the orbit of the Earth and put it in the orbit of the Sun, the angle is also very big and obviously energy is also required.

So much energy and powerfull rocket has not been made till date. NASA experts decided that before sending the Parker Solar Probe to the Sun, it would be sent to Venus.

Venus is the second planet of our solar system, using whose gravity the speed of Parker Solar Probe can be increased, but there was an issue here. Venus is a small planet and for this reason its gravity is also less.

The speed that Parker Probe was required to go close to the sun, it was necessary that it would take 14 rounds of Venus, only then it would be able to reach the closest parts of the sun.

August 12, 2018 Parker Solar Probe was launched from Cape Canaveral Airforce Station. NASA has planned this mission for 8 years. The support of Venus will be taken 24 times till the Sun reaches its closest point. There are 37 hours in every 1 round in which there is a chance to do research on the sun.

Means in total 8 years, this Probe will be able to do 900 hours of research on the Sun. April 28, 2021 This was the day when NASA confirmed that Parker Probe successfully entered the corona layer of the Sun.

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The mysterious corona being 100 times hotter than the surface of the sun was indeed a reality, which was also verified by the Parker Probe.

But why is it so, what is the force that is mysteriously heating the corona layer more than the surface of the sun. Research is still going on this.

Now we come to our main question.

why is Parker Solar Probe not melting in such high heat?

A heat shield has been placed on the side of the Parker Solar Probe that is facing the Sun. Which is made from carbon foam. This is not a normal foam, but Ultramet company has specially designed it to absorb the heat of the sun.

This foam is 97% empty inside, which makes the heat shield more effective. Apart from this, a layer of carbon-carbon composite has also been mounted in it. Which is made by mixing graphite or resin.

This mixture was superheated by applying it on both sides of the heat shield, which turned into the purest form of carbon and we all know that carbon has good heat conductivity.

And finally, the side of the heat shield which is towards the sun was also painted with White Ceramic Paint. So that most of the sunlight gets reflected before going inside.

In addition to the heat shield, Parker Solar Probe’s The whole part was designed in such a way that it would be under the shadow of this shield all the time. But even after all these things, Parker Probe can tolerate maximum heat of 2,500 °C, while Corona’s temperature is 500,000 °C.

How is it withstanding the heat now? It is also very easy to understand.

According to the Law of Thermodynamics, some medium is also needed for the heat to be transferred, as the particles and vapors present in the air on the earth in summer carry heat inside them, due to which we feel hot even at night.

If the particles are less then even heat will not be able to travel so easily. As if we put our hand in boiling water, it will burn immediately, whereas if we put our hand in 300 °C oven and take it out immediately, we may not even know.

This is possible only because the molecules of water touch us whereas nothing in the above touches us.

Experts say- Parker Solar Probe’s Heat Shield has 1200 °C while its back side where there is no sunlight is in temperature minus because there are no particles that can transfer heat.

This is the reason why Parker Solar Probe is not melting despite being so close to the Sun.

-: FAQ :-

Q1. What is the temperature of the surface of the Sun and the atmospheric layers of the Sun?

The surface temperature of the Sun is 5,500 °C while the temperature of its atmospheric layer Corona is 500,000 °C.

Q2. How many times is the temperature of the corona layer different from the surface of the sun?

The temperature of the corona layer differs 100× times from the surface of the sun.

Q3. Parker Solar Probe was sent to which planet before being sent to the Sun?

Parker Solar Probe was sent to Venus Planet before sending it to the Sun.

Q4. Parker Solar Probe was launched from which Air Force Station and when?

August 12, 2018 Parker Solar Probe was launched from Cape Canaveral Airforce Station.

Q5. On which date Parker Probe successfully entered the corona layer of the Sun?

April 28, 2021 This was the day when NASA confirmed that Parker Probe successfully entered the corona layer of the Sun.

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