How was Planet Neptune discovered with just paper and pen?

By Uzaif kevin

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 In the year 1781, Uranus was seen with the help of telescope. Whenever it was noticed that Uranus is moving its position up and down after coming to a point.

By Uzaif kevin

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All the astronomers also noticed this glitch, all of them got into deep thinking that the Law of Gravitation applies to the entire Universe, so why is it only going against it.

By Uzaif kevin

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 It has been more than 60 years while doing research on this, but none of the astronomers had the correct answer. 

By Uzaif kevin

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Then in the year 1846, French astronomer Ubrain Le Verrier started research on it and did all the mathematical calculations. 

By Uzaif kevin

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Then he said that it is possible when there are stars or planets of the same mass as Uranus at that point.

By Uzaif kevin

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When he told this to his other astronomers, all of them together made fun of him. 

By Uzaif kevin

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Then Le Verrier, the most advanced observatory of that time, which was the Berlin Observatory, asked him to see that point with his most advanced telescope. 

By Uzaif kevin

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Berlin Observatory's Dr. Johann Gottfried Galle saw that point but he too could not see anything at that place. 

By Uzaif kevin

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 When he focused more, then his blue colored mass of Uranus showed such a planet, which was then named after the Roman god "Neptune".

By Uzaif kevin

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 How Neptune Planet was discovered only with the help of Pen and Paper in the year 1846.