Alien race on star trek

By Uzaif kevin

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Vulcans: A logical and highly intelligent species known for their use of mind melds and the suppression of emotions.

By Uzaif kevin

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Klingons: A warrior race known for their honor and love of battle.

By Uzaif kevin

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Borg: A cybernetic species that assimilates other species into their collective. 

By Uzaif kevin

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Romulans: An aggressive and secretive race that split from the Vulcans long ago.

By Uzaif kevin

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 Andorians: A blue-skinned species with antennae who are known for their strong sense of honor and love of combat. 

By Uzaif kevin

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Ferengi: A capitalist species obsessed with profit and trade. 

By Uzaif kevin

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Cardassians: A militaristic species known for their cunning and manipulation. 

By Uzaif kevin

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